Monday, December 14, 2009

Second shift at SAHM

My son is sick. Not super sick, but I knew I had to keep him home from school. He wouldn't have had the stamina to make it through the day. I could tell.

It was just a little cough and looked kind of under the weather. So I took him to the Vitamin Shoppe, the post office (though we left, it was so crowded), to Trader Joe's on the way home to get onions for soup. And I let him watch some DVD when we got home, which turned him into a monster when it was time to stop. And before he went to bed, we could tell the fever was coming.

I was supposed to get a lot of work done today. I got nada. I can't concentrate on writing an article now. Tomorrow is going to be more of the same but possibly worse.

Am I really going to never, ever, ever have any time for just me come August? I know that babies sleep a lot - maybe only in a sling like the first one. At least then I can type and make some food. But moms who are nursing around the clock have to sleep a lot, too. And I'll have a kid to pick up from school so naps can't just go unchecked from 1 to 4 p.m. like they used to. I was trying to explain this to my husband and used simply the phrase "picked up" to which he replied that our son would be older and not asking to be held so much then. "No, like from another place. I will have to leave the house instead of stay in bed."

I tried to sell off my registration to a meditation/yoga night so I could do some work instead, but no one bit. I realized that tomorrow will probably suck, and this may be my only break or time for me. So I shall go.

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